#682 - Ryan Bledsoe - The Metaphysical Paranormal Renaissance, Bledsoe Said So

The Grimerica Show - A podcast by Grimerica - Tuesdays


Interview starts at 35:40   Ryan Bledsoe joins us for a great chat about UFO's and Ancient Wisdom. We get into his story a bit and how they tried to debunk it but couldn't and how it is still happening, and their experience with the alphabet agencies. We talk about protecting yourself, the word on the street, sending thoughts to the sky, the orbs, our spiritual metaphysical reality, manufacturing in zero gravity conditions, Fatima like encounters, the wisdom gleaned that matches the Ancients, the eternal world and communication in dreams.   We also get into EEG's confirming the reality of extra dimensional communication, the political Disclosure that is or is not happening, his experience with the 100th phenomenon sighting, higher frequencies, star alignments, non human intelligences, the Earth as a living being, metal being alive, metamaterials, Black Ops and telepathy from higher intelligences. https://www.bledsoesaidso.com/ https://www.bledsoesaidso.com/ufo-of-god   Darren's hunting trip: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077639391429?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1   Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya.   Support the show directly: http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica  http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica   Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk   Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Elated Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Gnashing of Teeth If you would rather watch: https://rumble.com/v5pf92e-ryan-bledsoe-the-metaphysical-paranormal-renaissance-bledsoe-said-so.html https://rokfin.com/stream/54428

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