Odyssey Soundtrack Spotlight - Goldsmith at 20th Vol. III - Flaming Star (1960) / The Stripper (1963) / S*P*Y*S (1974) with Jeff Bond
The Goldsmith Odyssey - A podcast by Clark, David, and Yavar
The good folks at La-La Land Records have released the third volume of their excellent Goldsmith at 20th series, and we're pleased to be able to place this one under the Soundtrack Spotlight! This release pairs Goldsmith's alternately jazzy and tender music for the 1963 drama The Stripper with his quirky, entertaining effort for the 1974 comedy S*P*Y*S. Your humble hosts Yavar, David, Clark, and Jens are joined by Goldsmith expert Jeff Bond (who wrote the liner notes for this album) for a dis...