390: The Most Powerful Pivot You Can Make Right Now with Amy Porterfield

The Goal Digger Podcast - A podcast by Jenna Kutcher


If we were to play word association for 2020, I’d bet the very last word that comes to mind is “certainty”. Many of us are watching our peers navigate big changes as we ourselves pivot and adapt. Whether it’s personally or professionally, we’re making decisions that we could’ve never predicted would be on our plates at the start of this year.

Pivoting is the theme of this conversation with my friend Amy Porterfield. She was one of the voices I was listening to when I pivoted into the online course world, and I’m so excited to have her on the show once again to talk about the meaningful and even profitable pivots she’s seen during this season. If you walk away from this episode with only one thing, let it be your permission to pivot. These stories will paint what’s possible. 

Join Amy for her free live training at jennaplusamy.com.

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