From the marae to the marathon, funeral bangers and a great quote.

Off the back of deciding what hot photo is going on our funeral pamphlet (yes that's what we call them now), we now have our funeral bangers decided too. Brodie's living her best solo life, with the set up of the run club AND preparing for her first ever singles night. Chaotic Caitlin is BACK and she does not disappoint. Gracie not only looks like she should be on the cover of Pregnancy Vogue, she's out here looking after a one-year old, moving house, and preparing for Frank 2.0. No wonder she hasn't packed her hospital bag!

Om Podcasten

Three Kiwi gals who love a laugh, sometimes a cry, serious chat, ridiculous chat, girly chat, dirty chat, funny chat, all of the chat! Think of us as your best friends at home with you having one of those glorious catch ups best friends have.