Brooke Roberts - Sharesies co-founder and director.

We're thrilled to have the incredible Brooke Roberts - co-founder, director and CEO of Sharesies with us today. Brooke is not just an amazing female leader in the financial industry she’s an advocate for inclusivity in the world of investing. As the head of Sharesies, she has played a massive role in making investment opportunities accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or financial expertise. This episode is proudly brought to you by Sharesies, and we’re going to talk about all things investing, KiwiSaver, and the gender gap we find in these spaces - and what we can do about it!

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Three Kiwi gals who love a laugh, sometimes a cry, serious chat, ridiculous chat, girly chat, dirty chat, funny chat, all of the chat! Think of us as your best friends at home with you having one of those glorious catch ups best friends have.