The Genealogy Guys Podcast #414

The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith


News You Can Use and Share! Drew Smith’s new book, Generation by Generation: A Modern Approach to the Basics of Genealogy, has been published by Genealogical Publishing Company. It is being acclaimed as the best new book for beginning genealogists. You can order it at or at A new Kindle version will be available soon. MyHeritage announced the release of cM Explainer™, an innovative, free new feature on MyHeritage that estimates familial relationships between DNA Matches with high accuracy. Learn more at MyHeritage announced the third installment of their pro bono DNA Quest initiative with 5,000 free DNA testing kits to be donated to help reunite adoptees with their birth families through genetic testing. Learn more at MyHeritage added 19 million new records to its collections in February 2023. See the complete list at RootsMagic has released RootsMagic 9 for both PC and macOS with the addition of new tools. There is a new book, Getting the Most Out of RootsMagic 9, that describes how to use the new version. As always, there are new videos about all the operations of the software. Learn more at Ancestry has launched a new mobile app called Storymaker Studio to assist in creating and sharing family stories on the go. Learn more at FamilySearch has announced that the 1931 Census of Canada will be released on 1 June 2023 at the Library and Archives (LAC) Canada website. Read more at Following the release, LAC will collaborate with Ancestry and FamilySearch to create an advanced searchable database. The International African American Museum has set its opening day in Charleston, South Carolina, for Tuesday, 27 June 2023. Learn more at Listener Email Susan wrote to say she was unable to order software from Evidentia at Apparently, they were migrating their website and encountered some delay with the transfer. However, the site is up and running again. Gabriel wrote about an Irish mystery for his ancestor, James Thomas Donoghue. Listeners are urged to share ideas and suggestions. Rosemary wrote about finding Order Book B (1812-1822) for Lewis County, Kentucky. Work is underway with the Kentucky Department of Library Archives and FamilySearch to make the images, transcription, and index available for use. Debbie wrote about her search for her husband’s gg-grandparents, Corbin Gallaher and Elizabeth Johnson Riley. She shared her research and was looking for advice. George located an 1860 U.S. census record that shows Corbin Gallagher and wife Elizabeth operating a hotel in Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky, USA, with a John and Elizabeth Gallagher, as well as staff and guests. (See George later found a marriage record listing at Ancestry for the couple dating from 25 June 1836 in Mason County, Kentucky at 3aeb5f8f53e8eefabe27&_phsrc=nPp617&_phstart=successSource. The Guys suggest also searching for surname spelling variations. Suggestions are urged from our listeners. Don’t forget to order Drew’s new book, Generation by Generation: A Modern Approach to the Basics of Genealogy, from Genealogical Publishing Company ( or Thank you to all our Patreon supporting members for their support. Your Patreon support helps us improve our technology and provide even more podcast content to you! You can join us for as little as $1 a month or as much as you’d like to contribute. Visit to get started. Please also tell your friends and your genealogical society about our free podcasts, our free blog, and our Genealogy Guys Learn subscription education website. Let us hear from you at [email protected].

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