The Genealogy Guys Podcast #348

The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith


The Genealogy Guys Blog at has published many new articles since the last podcast. Expand your experiences with our postings there. The news includes: A new Laura G. Prescott Scholarship has been announced for the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG). Donations are being accepted now. Full details can be found on our blog at Construction of the International African-American Museum (IAAM) will begin in 2019 in Charleston, South Carolina, after a new $11M pledge was received. Join The Genealogy Guys, C. Ann Staley, and Blaine Bettinger on a Caribbean genealogy cruise in February. Sponsored by the Villages Genealogical Society, full details are available at MyHeritage has released a new and extensive filtering system for DNA Matches. MyHeritage has opened registration for its “MyHeritage LIVE” International Users Conference, to be held 2-4 November 2018 in Oslo, Norway. Full details and registration can be found at Findmypast and Living DNA have announced a partnership for DNA testing for ancestral origins in England and Ireland. Findmypast has released new records for Lancashire, England; Queensland, Australia; and extensive Scotland marriages, testaments, and apprentices. FamilySearch has added 29 million Netherlands records. Drew shares highlights of many new and expanded FamilySearch collections. Listener email includes: Linda reminds listeners that there is a wealth of excellent genealogy information in our podcasts going back all the way to the beginning. Marc McDermott shares a great resource from his Genealogy Explained website. It’s titled, “Do Siblings Have the Same DNA” and can be found at John asked which blog reader The Guys use, and the answer is Feedly at The basic plan is free. Katherine tells us that she uses NetVibes at as her blog reader. Juliet in the UK thanks us for the podcasts, and especially Drew’s discussion of setting goals to focus research. Drew is also posting articles on this topic at the blog. Linda shared a great resource for learning how to read old Scottish documents at ( Mary Ann located a book about slave ancestors and their names at the free Project Gutenberg website at The book is The Underground Railroad by William Still. John shared some great thoughts about recording data on transgender family members. David Mann, founder of Heirloom Software (, shared information about their forthcoming release of Origins ( The software is in beta testing now, but includes extensive DNA management tools, the ability to record details about any person (male, female, transgender), any relationship information, and more. Sara shared information about a US naturalization document, the Declaration of Intention, for her great-great-grandfather, Joseph Winzer. George and Drew delved into this person and his family and discovered a lot of documents that provided new information. We will be publishing our research, along with document images, maps, and more in the blog over the next couple of weeks. You’re going to want to follow along! Susan shared information about another Boddie person to Drew. Marc raised questions about the most efficient use of multiple platforms and websites for his family trees, GEDCOM files, and DNA matches. He uses RootsMagic and interfaces with the hints for Ancestry and MyHeritage, and works with GEDmatch and Family Tree DNA. [Here is a link to how Randy Seaver does it for the non-DNA parts of it, although it does not address how to update a tree on MyHeritage.]  Steve shares information about a letter to the editor from the Lincoln [Nebraska} Star from 10 April 1918 concerning German-Americans caught up in the anti-German hysteria during World War I.

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