The Genealogy Guys Podcast #321 - 2017 January 8
The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith

The Guys welcome their new sponsor, The news includes: Our podcasts are now available through Google Play Music. Evidentia has launched a new, easier-to-use website and online store. Findmypast has released new records for the Ireland Petty Sessions Court Records, Dorset Memorial Inscriptions, Northumberland & Durham Monumental Inscriptions, and the Ireland Society of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records. Listener email includes: Maryann thanks us for our podcasts published over the holidays, and tells us she has listened when she couldn’t sleep. Tim wrote to comment on the new logo, and about having been inspired by Dave McDonald to produce some form of completed work for the family. Tim also shared cemetery information and tombstone photographs for the BODY family members in Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada. (Drew works on the BODDIE/BODIE/BODY surname for the Guild of One-Name Studies.) Judy asked for suggestions to better research Virginia land records. Tiphanee was inspired by Katherine Willson’s interview to delve into genealogical resources on Facebook and has found some relatives in Northern Ireland. George reviews a fascinating book titled The Reporter Who Knew Too Much by Mark Shaw. It focuses on Dorothy Kilgallen, the powerful journalist and TV star whose untimely death interrupted her research into the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald, and her strong belief that there was a conspiracy. Highly recommended. Drew discusses a favorite podcast called Lore by Aaron Mahnke which deals with mysterious, unexplainable, and often frightening stories. The podcast can be found at The Guys discuss some best practices for prepapring for a genealogy research trip. Please help The Guys spread the word about our two podcasts: Support us at at ( ). Tell your friends and genealogy society members about us. Leave a review at iTunes. Leave comments at iHeartRadio. Visit the Aha! Seminars, Inc., website at for Our Speaking Schedule and join us at conferences across the United States.