The Genealogy Guys Podcast #301 - 2016 January 31
The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith

The news includes: · MyHeritage has added Audio Recordings to its mobile app. · Evidentia has filled all the preorders for The Evidentia Companion and has produced a supplemental Evidentia Quicksheet Guide. · RootsMagic is shipping backorders of its book, and an e-book is also now available. · The Federation of Genealogical Societies has surpassed the $2 million mark in its fundraising efforts for the Preserve the Pensions project. · Findmypast and its sister site Mocavo have come together, and all of the free materials at Mocavo will continue to be free. Findmypast has released a number of new collections including the England, Phillimore Marriage Registers, Scotland Registers & Records, additional Irish Newspapers, and others. · The National Archives in the UK has announced new prices for a variety of services, effective February 1, 2016. · FamilySearch, in partnership with, has released more than 220 million new searchable Mexican birth, marriage, and death records dating back to the 1500s. The Guys provide a recap of upcoming conferences, seminars, and webinars that they will be presenting in the next several months. Listener email includes: · Richard acquired audio discs recording the 80th birthday of Mary Page Greenleaf, and reports that he made a typo on the date of the event. It should have been 21 September 1954. Listeners Donna and Lucia report that they have uncovered more information about the lady, and The Guys will forward their emails to Richard for follow-up. · Matt is seeking suggestions to help locate information about his Houghtaling ancestors in New York state. · Chris acquired a book in 2014 on the Dyer family in Oregon that came with an envelope with over 200 black-and-white original photographs, as well as draft pages for inclusion in a future edition of the book. He would like some assistance in locating any descendants so that he can get the pictures to the appropriate owner. He can be reached at [email protected]. · Jackie asked for clarification about transcribing newspapers and other, more modern documents, and the benefit of doing so. · Jim had questions about the new Publisher Extra, a subscription service that provides unique access to many newspapers' archives that are still under copyright. · Jenny had a couple of DNA questions concerning her husband's Y-DNA test results and potential matches.