The Genealogy Guys Podcast #275 - 2014 September 30
The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith

The news includes: · The Association of Professional Genealogists announced a Young Professional Discount for its 2015 Professional Management Conference. ·, a division of MyHeritage, announced that it now supports multilingual profiles. · RootsMagic announced that it now has direct file import support for the soon-to-be-discontinued program The Master Genealogist. · Registration is now open for the fourth annual Forensic Genealogy Institute (FGI) at FGI will be held on 26-28 March 2015 in Dallas, Texas. · The Virtual Institute of Genealogical Research will be presenting year-round educational genealogical courses. For more information, visit · Findmypast has begun a new weekly records release program called Findmypast Fridays. The first release began on 19 September 2014 with many Irish county records. They've also released 4 million Yorkshire records online. The Guys review a number of new publications: Getting the Most Out of RootsMagic Version 6 by Bruce Buzbee Tracing Derry/Londonderry Roots by Brian Mitchell Searching for Your Ancestors in Historic Newspapers by Claudia C. Breland The Parrett Migration by Dawn Parrett Thurston Maryland Genealogy Research (a Genealogy at a Glance research guide) by Michael A. Ports · Two new laminated QuickSheet guides by Elizabeth Shown Mills: o Your Stripped-Bare Guide to Historical ‘Proof’ o Your Stripped-Bare Guide to Citing Sources Listener email includes: · Timo shares information about the German Church Book Portal (Archion), currently in beta test mode, at · Timo also shares information about the Verein für Computergenealogie (Computer Genealogy Society of Germany), which is the largest genealogical society in Germany, which hosts a large free online database with approximately 35,000,000 free records available. The website at will redirect you to · Tom asked a question about interpreting the results from his mother's AncestryDNA test, specifically about the origins of her great grand parents and their ancestors. · Terri and her niece are attempting to interpret their DNA test results to figure out if they are actually half-sisters. · Matt writes about a project involving the scanning of old glass negatives of the Fort Madison State Penitentiary in Iowa. There are many inmate photographs, and paperwork associated with the prisoners was also found. That information is being matched being matched to the photographs. The project website is IncarceratedinIowa at, and Matt’s blog postings are accessible at · Dawn discusses her genealogical research, and in particular discusses seeking information about her grandfather. No one wants to talk about him and there is some speculation about whether he was on trial in the 1930s for homosexuality or pedophilia. She asks for research guidance, and whether librarians would be reluctant to help her.