The Genealogy Guys Podcast #273 - 2014 August 18

The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith


The news includes: · Whollly Genes has announced the discontinuation of The Master Genealogist (TMG) genealogy database program. · RootsMagic’s Weekly Tips are on their blog and are available on Facebook if you Like and Follow their page there. · The Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) has announced that registration for its 2015 APG Professional Management conference is now open. It will be held on 8-9 January 2015 at the Hilton Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah. · Genealogical Publishing Company has just published a new laminated "Genealogy at a glance" sheet titled Scots-Irish Genealogy Research by Brian Mitchell. · The Family History Information Standards Organisation (FHISO) has announced that it is ready to begin the technical process of developing standards for genealogy. · The British Newspaper Archive has announced the beginning of digitization of eight new titles. There are more than 8 million newspaper pages from 1710-1954 online at their site, and they estimate that by 2021 there will be up to 40 million pages from historical newspapers across the UK and Ireland. · The National Archives (TNA) in the UK is implementing its new online catalog, Discovery, which will contain information about all the records held at TNA, records held in other archives, data from the National Register of Archives, ARCHON, Access to Archives (A2A), and the Manorial Documents Register (MDR). They are working to deliver a revised, updated, and online MDR on a county by county basis, in the Essex section is now complete. · Drew highlights the new collections for FamilySearch from 25 July 2014 and 15 August 2014 Listener email includes: · Jenny asks whether there is any point in having siblings take an autosomal DNA test. · Timothy asks about birth date discrepancies between an SS-5 and the SSDI. · Kelly wants to know what The Guys’ top 10 list of genealogy books for the beginner or intermediate genealogist might be. · Virginia asks if there is an easy way to play the downloaded podcast episodes in chronological sequence. · Mac asks about obtaining permission for screenshots for inclusion in books, and George shares insights from his experiences. · Jim is looking at the 1910 U.S. federal census for his father and cannot find him with his parents and siblings. He may have run away from home but Jim has questions. He also asked about Enumeration Districts and how to learn more information about them. · Eric is looking for information about his paternal line, which came from the Azores. The surname was Gomes, but has been misspelled as Gomez. He shares information about his research and how he got around a set of problems. Drew shares his excitement at connecting via a DNA match with a distant cousin who shared with him the places of origin of his Irish Bonnon and Hyland ancestors and the fact that they were married in West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England.

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