The Genealogy Guys Podcast #254 - 2013 July 28

The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith


The news includes: Information about the Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference and the Illinois State Genealogical Society Fall Conference. WikiTree has added a DNA feature. has released new content for the Royal Naval Division service records (1914-1920). has announced that it will be adding the Periodical Source Index (PERSI) to its site in coming months. has secured the rights to publish all of the registered wills from New South Wales from 1800 to 1952. Drew provides a recap of highlights in the newly released images at FamilySearch. RootsMagic has released an update to RootsMagic 6 that introduces Problem Alerts. RootsMagic has a YouTube channel at at which you will find shorter training videos. These supplement the Webinars/Online Classes at their website under the Learn tab. Megan Smolenyak has announced that one of The Guys' Down Under: Florida video episodes, about the Flying Zacchinis, has been re-released and is available at has released many more older records at its website. Saving Memories Forever has announced a strategic partnership with the Association of Personal Photo Organizers (APPO). The mail includes: Susan asks if The Guys' new book, Advanced Genealogy Research Techniques, will be available in digital form. It is now posted at and Barnes & Noble in electronic formats and those will be available when it is released in September. Preordering is already available. Melody asks for guidance on how to download the podcast from our website. Stephanie has a question about Polish Armed Forces records for those persons who escaped Poland after Hitler's invasion in 1939 and who fought with the Allies. George cites a good Wikipedia article titled "Polish Armed Forces in the West" at Lisa asked about the Facebook group that deals with organization. Drew points her to "The Organized Genealogist" group at Connie asks about SSDI records at that add place of death from the "Last Benefits" field of the online records. Elaine asks questions about how and where we store our digital photos and about how we share those photos with others. Elizabeth LaPointe has developed an e-booklet titled The 1921 Canada Census User Guide that will be available when that census is publicly released. Its price is $5.95 CDN and copies can be reserved by sending an email to [email protected] and including "1921 Census" in the subject heading. Jenny has a question about linking Family Tree Maker trees at Mary asks about the expression "first generation American." Noi has some questions about locating a German place name for Noi's great-great-grandfather. Steve asks about how to locate information about his grandfather who he thinks was a census enumerator in Chicago for the 1940 U.S. federal census. Drew also discusses the Family History Information Standards Organisation.

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