The Genealogy Guys Podcast #253 - 2013 June 26

The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith


The news includes: Drew has been appointed as Chair of the Family History Information Standards Organisation (FHISO). RootsMagic is now Share+ Certified by FamilySearch. Early Bird Registration for the 2013 Federation of Genealogical Societies' Conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on August 21-24, 2013, ends on July 1st. Canada's Heritage Minister asks the Library and Archives Canada to reconsider restoration of funding to help museums preserve local history. The 1921 Census of Canada will be made available to researchers in the near future. A new season of Who Do You Think You Are? will begin on TLC (The Learning Channel) on July 23, 2013. The Digital Public Library of America has been launched. provides free access to its Irish Records Collection from June 27-30, 2013. has updated its Irish Petty Session Court Registers with 2.5 million new records. Drew tells listeners about DNA research that has identified the potato blight responsible for the Irish Potato Famine, using leaves from an herbarium. added 3 million baptism, marriage, and burial records from Westminster in London. has added 23 million records and 121 million newspaper pages from around the world. Drew shares information about major collections added to FamilySearch, including 5.7 million images to the New Massachusetts Land Records Collection (1620-1986). Moorshead Magazines has announced the publication of a new title, Tracing Your Colonial American Ancestors. continues to enhance its offering with the addition of Record Matching and Smart Matching tools. Synium Software has released MacFamilyTree 7 and MobileFamilyTree 7, with special pricing for new and existing users through July 31, 2013. Drew reminds listeners how to subscribe to the podcasts. Listener email includes: Richard provides a suggestion for how to learn to pronounce names. George discusses meeting someone on Facebook who was able to photograph wills in the Maryland Archives of his fifth- and sixth-great grandfathers in his Alexander line.

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