The Genealogy Guys Podcast #248 - 2013 March 3

The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith


The news includes: The Family History Library's Saturday hours will change on April 13, 2013, to 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. FamilySearch announces the additions of new collections, including the addition of indexing projects in process or completed. has released 2.5 million UK criminal records covering the period 1770 to 1934. announces that, for a limited time, users can buy Family Tree Maker 2012 and receive Photo Explosion Album, a photo editing software package for free. An international genealogy conference in the UK, Exodus: Movement of the People- The story of migration to, from, and within the British Isles - will be held September 6-8, 2013, at the Hinckley Island Hotel in Hinckley, Leistershire, UK. For more information, visit George provides reviews of some excellent materials: How to Archive Family Keepsakes by Denise May Levenick The Heirloom Registry, by Houstory Publishing (See more details at A Week of Genealogy: Things to Know and Do Online and Offline by Dr. Margaret M. McMahon, Ph.D. Out-of-Style by Betty Kreisel Shubert Listener email includes: Stan provides an excellent website called FileRight for Genealogy and Military Records, which includes many great military and naturalization links, at Beverly wanted to know why she can't locate 1820 U.S. federal census records for Montgomery County, NC. Tom asks about the future of DNA testing. Drew talks about the resources he is using in two research projects in which he is participating.

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