The Genealogy Guys Podcast #236 - 2012 April 29

The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith


The news includes the following items: has announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire uploaded 14 million new records for 19 countries, and the 1940 U.S. federal census indexing project is in full swing. The Southern Genealogist’s Exchange Society in Jacksonville, Florida, is hosting a virtual tea party on Mother’s Day (U.S.) on 13 May 2012 as a fundraiser and as a way to honor female ancestors. Drew reviews the book Family Matters by Michael Sharpe. Listener email includes: Jason asks about a program that keeps track of digital source materials and about cloud computing. Doug reports that volunteers for the FamilySearch U.S. federal census indexing project can only specify the state for which they would like to index. Paul provided us with a fascinating story about two children who survived the Titanic sinking from a newspaper clipping in his great-grandmother’s scrapbook. He provides a link at for more information. He also shared information about dogs on the Titanic and offers another link at to learn more - including a story of a mother cat and kittens. Eric wrote to discuss copyright and fair use, and discusses a research problem involving a colleague. Beth Cook of Best Public Relations wrote to share information that Dracula was Irish and not Transylvanian. Janet asks for advice about whether DNA testing might help her in her quest for her husband’s ancestor. Moshe sent document images and asks for suggestions about his search for a Jewish man, Irving Markowsky.

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