The Genealogy Guys Podcast #229 - 2011 December 28
The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith

The news includes: The Guys announce the death of their cat, Fletcher, on 8 December 2011. Fletcher was a vocal contributor to the Podcast over the years and received email and inquiries from the show's listeners. She is very much missed. Three leading genealogy organizations,, FamilySearch International, and, have announced that they are joining forces to launch a project to index and make available the 1940 U.S. federal census images. MyHeritage unveiled an innovative mobile family tree app for iPad, iPhone, and Android. MyHeritage has also released the new Family Tree Builder 6.0 FamilySearch added new records for the U.S., Canada, Estonia, Jamaica, Mexico, Russia, South Korea, and Sweden. A new effort called the Genealogists for Families Kiva Project that will make small loans to help those less fortunate. has released two million North Carolina World War II Draft Cards at its site. Moorshead Magazines Ltd. is releasing on 1 January 2012 a new publication, Tracing Your Irish Ancestors. They are also carrying Maureen Taylor's newest book, Bonnets and Hats. Visit for more information. 1000Memories provides an excellent place on the Internet to organize, share, and discover the old photos and memories of your family and friends. George discusses two exciting finds in his genealogy from this month. Listener email includes: Peter asks for ideas about how to share his research with family members. Barb discusses how much she likes Family Tree Maker 2012's new sync facility. She also talks about Memeo Autosync (at and its ability to sync folders on different computers. Dave discusses his research on St. Croix and the different family perspective it gives. Maria discusses her problematic Northcote ancestor who emigrated from Exeter, Devon, England, to Australia. Connie has suggestions for Richard and his North Dakota research, including newspapers from across the state. Visit for many details. Eric wrote that is requiring the purchase of a copy of Family Tree Maker 2012 to demonstrate the program to others. Judy asks for suggestions about how to lay out complicated intermarriage families so that they can be more easily conceptualized and understood.