The Genealogy Guys Podcast #219 - 2011 April 9
The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith

The news includes: The New England Historic Genealogical Society, together with the Jewish Cemetery Association of Massachusetts and the American Jewish Historical Society of New England have made available for the first time online acess to a growing database that currently includes 13 Massachusetts Jewish cemeteries, with more added each week. Genealogist Anthony Ray of Palmdale, California, has been named the recipient of the 2011 Suzanne Winsor Freeman Memorial Student Genealogy Grant. WikiTree announces that it has reached 1 million profiles. The California Genealogical Society will host a family history day with on 4-5 November 2011 at the Hyatt Embarcadero in San Francisco. George extends a special thank you to Miriam in Spokane, Washington, for taking photos of a tombstone there and for locating and sending a copy of the obituary. Listener email includes: Russ enjoyed the episode in which Drew unpacked a box of family materials that his brother sent to him. Lee has enjoyed the interviews that Drew conducted at RootsTech, but suggests that RootsTech provide a quieter venue for such interviews next year. Bill reports that NARA will hold its annual genealogy fair on 24 April 2011 in Washington, DC. One of the main themes is WPA records. View the schedule at Judy is seeking advice on researching her mother's family in Southwest Virginia. Mark in Plymouth, UK, asks about the availability of apps for the iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 7, and Blackberry phones. Sean reports on the status of RootsMagic's work to import freeform source citations and place them into formatted source citation templates. Gordon provides excellent advice for flattening curled or rolled up paper by humidifying it. He also strongly warns that photographs should not be treated this way. He suggests a more detailed discussion in Photographs: Archival Care and Management, by Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler and Diane Vogt-O’Connor published by the Society of American Archivists. Cheryl provides the pricing at NARA for copies of military files. Michelle thanks The Guys for their help in making contact with her Irish cousins. It's a real success story. The Guys review and recommend a number of great genealogy books: Our Daily Bread, German Village Life, 1500-1850, by Teva J. Schee, is published by Adventis Press. It sells in softcover for $19.95. It is also available in eBook format for Kindle for $9.95. The Last Muster: Images of the Revolutionary War Generation, by Maureen Taylor, is published by The Kent State University Press. It retails for $45 but is currently listed at for $29.70. The Ultimate Search Book, 2011 Edition, by Lori Carangelo, is published by Genealogical Publishing Company for the Clearfield Company. It sells for $39.95. Revolutionary War Pensions (Awarded by State Governments 1775-1874, the General and Federal Governments Prior to 1814, and by Private Acts of Congress to 1905), by Lloyd de Witt Bockstruck, is published by Genealogical Publishing Company. It sells for $89.50. The Family Tree Sourcebook: Your Essential Directory of American County and Town Records, from the editors of Family Tree Magazine, is published by Family Tree Books. It also provides a 30-day free membership to It sells for $34.95. Online State Resources for Genealogy, by Michael Hait, is published at as an eBook. It sells for $15.00 and is delivered electronically.