The Genealogy Guys Podcast #213 - 2011 January 5
The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith

This week's news includes: NBC announces that season two of "Who Do You Think You Are?" premieres on Friday, February 4th. The Federation of Genealogical Societies has appointed Matthew Wright as the new Editor of the FGS FORUM electronic magazine. He succeeds Sandra Hargreaves Luebking who has worked on FORUM for the last 25 years. The 1910 Census for Norway is online at An English version of the site is available at The New England Historic Genealogical Society (at announces 4 upcoming events: New Visitor and Welcome Tour - January 8 Using - January 12 Dom's, An Odyssey - January 19 Winter Weekend Research Getaway: Effective Use of Technology - January 19 The revamped ScotlandsPeople is up and running The Ontario Genealogical Society announces the appointment of Elizabeth Lapointe as editor of its journal, Families The new book, Atlas of East and Coastal Georgia Watercourses and Militia Districts, by Paul K. Graham, has been published. Visit for more information. WikiTree announces a host of new widgets at Moorshead Publishing has released its new book, ttracing Your Civil War Ancestors, by David A. Norris. For more informaation, visit Genealogical Publishing Company ( has issued its new laminated "Genealogy at a Glance" reference sheet for Scottish Genealogy Research. This episode's listener email includes: Claire shares how she can best clean up family trees and copy people from one tree to another using RootsMagic. Judy attests to the fact that the book we recently reviewed, Shaking the Family Tree, by Buzzy Jackson, is a great read. Chris has military woes, and asks questions about obtaining copies of military records. Barbara wrote to tell us about an article in American Ancestors magazine from Fall 2010 about the article titled "Tracing the Origins if Joseph Herbert," and recommends it for the way the sources are cited. The Guys discuss the use of CrossOver, and George tells about how simple it was to relink all the graphics for his ancestor research using RootsMagic. Drew discusses his personal research and the fact that his brother has sent him two new boxes of materials.