The Genealogy Guys Podcast #179 - 2009 July 31
The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith

This week's news includes: launches a new feature called Member Connect to make connecting with others easier; and the Federation of Genealogy Societies (FGS) reminds our listeners that the 2009 FGS Conference is only a month away, September 2-5, in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Guys reminds listeners that they will be there doing a LIVE podcast recording session with an audience.The Guys welcome Julie Miller, CG, and Drew interviews her at the Southern California Genealogical Society's Jamboree about research into the ancestors and relatives of a certain Denver celebrity.This week's listener email includes: Clive asked George to also share the fact that The National Archives (TNA) in the UK also produces podcasts at on many topics; he also asks if we can find out when the "Criminal Registers, 1791-1892," from Ancestry's World Archive Project will be available online (and George will check); Clive also tells us another story of the use of the word "craic." (Drew also discusses the Geo Challenge game on Bill reminds us that PAF (Personal Ancestral File genealogy software from the LDS Church) is still an excellent free option for creating and maintaining your database; Noi asked about's calculation of the percent completed in the Civil War Widows' Pension Files collection, and received an answer from Footnote Support that she shared with everyone; Damien thanked The Guys for information about photo tagging software; Michael asked which death date to use in his database when his great uncle died at home about 11:00 PM and the doctor did not arrive to create the death certificate until about 12:30 AM on the next day; Michael also shares his difficulties working with the New Jersey state government to obtain an old death certificate -- the search was $25.00, regardless of outcome, required an extensive set of proofs of his relationship to the person for whose record he was requesting, and the office was exceptionally rude when he followed up by telephone. Ann Gulbransen, Historian for the Ohio Society of Mayflower Descendants, responded to a listener's inquiry in Episode 177. She tells us that the official books that trace Mayflower ancestry are called "The Mayflower Families Genealogies through Five Generations." Also known as the Silver Books, the completed books and indexes can be purchased through the online store at the Society's website at Kay is concerned about Ancestry's Hints and their application to potentially incorrect data. Rabbi Gary M. Gans has a new iPod and has been listening to the show since the first day he got it, and he inquired about the "Brisco" name he has heard George mention.