The Genealogy Guys Podcast #177 - 2009 July 15

The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection - A podcast by George G. Morgan & Drew Smith


This week's news includes: The Generations Network has changed its name to; The National Archives (TNA) ( in the U.K. has launched truly great new learning guides online at its site, under the tabs Research and Learning, Research Guidance, and Understand the Archives in Minutes; Digital Genealogist magazine will cease publication with the July/August 2009 issue; MyHeritage ( announces new photo features, including a photo tagging system; dynastree ( announces an extended search facility; Gus reminds us that the newly updated Reunion app from LeisterPro ( will operate on both the iPhone and the iPod Touch; and The Genealogy Guys Podcast will be LIVE at the Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas -- producing a live podcast recording session on Thursday, September 3rd, at 3:30 PM. Drew interviews Lisa Louise Cooke of the Genealogy Gems Podcast ( at the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree.This week's listener email includes: Rich asks about what is involved with playing and producing podcasts; Christopher tells us that annotating and tagging photos is a feature of LifeStory Productions' Heritage Collector Suite (; a listener asked if our podcasts are transcribed into written form, and Drew responds that they are not; Michael asks for suggestions about his brick wall with Murry M. Jones in Indiana; Roger, Tom, and Rich responded to the discussion about information placed in member-only areas of genealogical websites; Brent Ropelato of TopTenREVIEWS recommends the genealogy software reviews ( which George indicates does not at present include Mac software, and may not be 100% up to date; and Larry asks for suggestions about tracing his ancestor who supposedly is a Mayflower descendant.

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