Optimove's Pini Yakuel talks 'the positionless marketer': The Gambling Files RTFM 165

The Gambling Files - A podcast by Jon Bruford & Fintan Costello - Tuesdays


Special thanks as always to our two top of the league sponsors, Optimove and Clarion Gaming. Both utter legends and, funnily enough – total coincidence, too – Optimove’s CEO and founder is on this episode! First up there is a short intro, in which both Jon and Fintan completely lose it because of some inappropriate comments [0:00 – 6:05]. And they’re comments for which Fintan certainly apologises. Then we meet Pini Yakuel, of Optimove CEO fame. Our conversation covers a wide range of topics, including the OptiMove Connect event, the concept of the positionless marketer, the impact of AI and no-code solutions, and the evolution of skills in sports and marketing. The discussion also delves into the benefits of a positionless approach and the challenges faced by traditional marketing departments, the democratization of decision-making, the art of boxing, and hunger for success. We also discuss the challenges of maintaining hunger and motivation after achieving success. I say ‘we’, but Jon can clearly not contribute to that discussion [6:06 – 1:06:26].   In a nutshell: The concept of the positionless marketer is a key focus, emphasizing the impact of AI and no-code solutions on marketing roles and processes. The conversation explores the evolution of skills in sports and marketing, highlighting the benefits of a positionless approach and the challenges faced by traditional marketing departments. The conversation provides insights into the changing landscape of marketing, the role of technology, and the potential for greater efficiency and innovation in marketing processes. The impact of self-service capabilities on democratization and decision-making The challenges of maintaining hunger and motivation after achieving success The impact of democratization on growth and scale in organizations   Choice quotes: "The game of basketball has become positionless, emphasizing versatility of play and velocity, which wasn't the case in the past." "The future of marketing is positionless, steering towards greater efficiency and innovation, leveraging AI and no-code solutions." "Good communication solves most problems." "I'm still waiting for mine."   This podcast is presented by Optimove, which is used by 56% of the EGR Power50 to personalize player experiences. Visit Optimove here for more info, not least because it helps to support independent podcasts like ours. Go on, click it! Find out! It’s awesome.

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