Cody Luongo on THAT Roblox story; The Gambling Files RTFM 110

The Gambling Files - A podcast by Jon Bruford & Fintan Costello - Tuesdays


First up, Jon and Fintan explain why Saipan is amusing to many Irish people, and talk about other bits and bobs [0:00 - 21:06]. Then it's time for Cody Luongo, who joins us from his Sharpr Newsletter, which explores the junction between gaming and gambling, and so inveitably hits eSports. But today we're talking about the story that Cody broke a couple of weeks ago about Roblox and illegal, under-age gambling in the game. It's an absolutely bonkers and stunning story, and we are delighted to have Cody come on and explain the ins and outs of it [21:07 - 1:09:57]. Genuinely, it's a corker.

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