The two most frequently asked questions by special needs parents
The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - A podcast by The Coffee Klatch

Host Marianne Russo Guest Amalia Starr I Have Autism…What’ll I Do Without You, Mom? How to Prepare for When Your Special Needs Child Outlives You In Starr’s latest book, “I Have Autism…What’ll I Do Without You, Mom?” she writes all about this subject matter and includes a separate in depth section on “How to Achieve Independence.” The more independent our children are, the better it will be for them now and after their parents are gone. Yes, talking about one’s mortality is never an easy or pleasant topic, but with our special needs children it may be the single most important thing a parent can do. Starr discovered that when parents address this issue head on they feel a tremendous relief. No reason to put this off anymore, Starr’s book will take you hand in hand as she shares how she achieved this goal and how you can too. Are you concerned about your child’s future? Then you have come to the right place. Amalia Starr has been a pioneer and trailblazer on the autism and special needs path for the past forty years.