The Cloudcast #249 - snap by Intel and Cloud Telemetry

The Cloudcast - A podcast by Massive Studios


We're giving away two OSCON passes! Aaron talks with Matt Brender (@mjbrender, Developer Advocate for Intel Software Defined Infrastructure) about what it is like to be a Developer Advocate and snap by Intel for cloud telemetry.

Show Links:

Show Notes:
  • We're giving away 2x OSCON passes!
    • Send us your community story and why you want to go to OSCON via email or twitter (links below)
    • Bronze Level Passes - $1745 value
    • Can be given away together or seperate
    • 3 month subscription to Safari Pro
    • Want to register right now? Use code PCCLOUD for 30% OSCON registration
  • Topic 1 - Let’s start at the start, you have had an interesting journey to date in your move into your current role. Give everyone a brief intro to your journey and how you ended up at Intel
  • Topic 2 - We’ve had both Jonathan and Nick on a few times now so we won’t rehash the Intel SDI group, but I did want to talk about Nick’s blog post introducing snap by Intel. Specifically this concept of automating around stages of IRO (Intelligent Resource Orchestration) and the phases - Watching, Deciding, Acting, Learning. Is Intel creating SkyNet?
  • Topic 3 - Let’s dig into the snap framework announced in December. This brings to life the stages we previously mentioned through framework plugins for Collecting, Processing, and Publishing
  • Topic 4 - What will be the early use cases? When and where does Intel envision folks using this framework and for what purpose?
  • Topic 5 - How has the community embraced this so far? What challenges do you have as a Developer Advocate? What’s next for both snap and SDI in general?

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