The Cloudcast #234 - 2015 WrapUp + 2016 Predictions

The Cloudcast - A podcast by Massive Studios


Aaron and Brian do their annual 2015 WrapUp show. They look at the most interesting shows, trends and topics from 2015, as well as making predictions for 2016.

Show Notes:
Krispy Kreme Challenge Donations

  • Topic 1 - Is Public Cloud making any money?
  • Topic 2 - Is Open Source Software making any money
  • Topic 3 - Everything is becoming an integrated solution.
  • Topic 4 - Bi-Modal vs. Tri-Modal IT
  • Topic 5 - The continued rise of SaaS applications (and who manages them)
  • Topic 6 - The continued rise of non-vendor companies recruiting developers
Show Stats and Interesting Facts 

  • 60 Shows
  • Official Podcast at Cloud Foundry Summit, MesosCon, LinuxCon, DockerCon, VelocityConf, OSCON
  • Went over $5B in VC + M&A Funding for Guests

Most Popular Show(s) of 2015:

  • Eps.200 (Future of Connected Cloud; Christian Reilly) 
  • Eps.199 (Docker Security; Diogo & Nathan) 
  • Eps.208 (DevOps; Nathan Harvey)

Aaron’s 2015 Predictions - From 2014 show 

  • Container ecosystem is beginning to mature
  • Docker needs to go through Trough of Disillusionment
  • Skill Sets Changing - Blogging will become a lost art
  • GitHub or “GetOut” - people need to learn GitHub - see 30 Days of Commitmas (GitHub learning)
  • Existence of Bi-Modal IT - There is no migration path between the two.
  • “Infrastructure as a Code” replaces “Software-Defined” terminology
 Infrastructure jobs will become the operations portion of DevOps (automate everything)

Brian’s 2015 Predictions - From 2014 show

  • Containers, Containers, Containers - competition for Docker in containers (VMware, CoreOS, etc.)? Moved from Containers to Systems.

  • Containers/Docker were mentioned everywhere (AWS, Tutum, Microsoft, DigitalOcean)
  • VMware pushes that “containers need VMs”
  • AWS is finally starting to understand the Enterprise; bundling/integrating services
  • Nobody values Cloud Management software
  • How do the VCs justify all this investment in companies that drive open-source projects?
  • What happens to all the SaaS tools platforms on AWS, can they survive economically?

Our Grades on Various Topics/Companies/Themes

  • OpenStack
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • Google
  • Cisco
  • Other Public Clouds
  • Private Cloud or Hybrid Cloud
  • VMware
  • Docker
  • Cloud Foundry
  • Open Source centric companies (CoreOS, Hashicorp, Mesosphere)
  • Cluster-Management and Schedulers (Kubernetes, Mesos, Swarm)
  • SaaS Applications

Brian’s 2016 Prediction Notes:

  • We’ll continue to see big bets (legacy vendors) and big failures 
  • Very curious to watch the open-source VMware-replacements (Hashicorp, CoreOS, Docker, etc.) monetize their business
  • We’ll begin to hear about some IoT success stories

Aaron’s 2016 Prediction Notes: 
Industry Predictions:

  • Docker Trough of Disillusionment will happen (push from last year) in favor of Open Standards
  • We will consolidate down to a handful of large hardware and software vendors in one (Oracle, Cisco, Dell

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