2088: Mewing, Teenage Anxiety, Stress & Progesterone, Persistent Psoriasis, Nighttime Hypoglycemia, Iodine & Hashimoto’s (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend! I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks… Let’s get started!    Darren: Good day Dr Cabral. Hope all is well with you and family. I read James Nestor's Breathing book on your recommendation and after hearing him on your show. What are your thoughts on "mewing" as recommended in the book. If it's something you believe has benefits (or drawbacks) is it possible for you to discuss it further? Thank you Anonymous: Hi dr cabral, thank you infinitely for all you do and your passion for sharing your knowledge with us.. i love listening to the podcast. My question is for my daughter who is 18. She is in college and is busy. She enjoys exercising and is on the cheer team so lots of tumbling and is active but she suffers from anxiety. Some days worse than others, especially these days. I too have it. I take the adrenal soothe. Would that be something that she could take as well ? Any other suggestions ? Thanks so much again - take care Nicole: Hi Dr Cabral! First off, thank you for all of the time and effort you put in…it is GREATLY appreciated! I have been struggling with severe cramping, bloating and back pain about 7 days before my period starts. I’ve also had lab work done over the years and it has shown that my progesterone typically peaks within a high range during first half of luteal phase but then drops off “earlier than desired” (a quote from my RE). My question is, could my low progesterone be solely due to high cortisol (which I already know is one of my issues) or could it be caused by insufficient egg quality/premature ovarian failure? Is there any way to know for sure? Can the two be related? Any other advice on how to increase egg quality would be greatly appreciated! Carrie-Ann: Thank you a million times over for all that you do for this world. 12 months ago I did the big 5 labs and in the last 12 months I have done the 21 detox, CBO protocol with finisher and citrocidal drops, intestinal cleanse, heavy metal detox, 7 day detox, another 3 weeks of citrocidal drops (as symptoms hadn’t cleared) and I continue to take your DNS, DFVB, magnesium, zinc, probiotic, vitamin C and D, fish and fish oil daily. I am IHP level 2 certified and also I have been a chiropractor for the last 20 years. I’ve lived a natural healthy lifestyle for the last 15-20 years. After having my first baby 10 years ago I developed psoriasis and now also have high grade cervical dysplasia. Since starting your protocols I’ve had some great things change. My two fungal toenails are almost all grown out normal and I’ve had 2 plantar warts on the soles of my feet for years and they are both gone. I’m thrilled about both these changes as it really lets me know things are improving internally. Although I have seen no change in my psoriasis and I still have high grade cervical dysplasia (confirmed 2 weeks ago with biopsy and colposcopy). So finally to my question, what more can I do? I have no other symptoms. Digestion is great, I sleep well, my stress levels are low and I love my life. Lilly:  Hi doctor Cabral, After you talked about your experience with a CGM, I started wearing one and am learning so much about my diet. Thank you for that great tip! I’ve noticed that my sugar drops extremely low a few times a night and I usually wake up when that happens. I think I know what’s causing it: I eat a very early dinner and fast until breakfast. And I know that in order to prevent the nighttime dips, it would be good to eat something before sleep, but I really don’t want to break my (clean) fast. Is there anything you could recommend to prevent the nighttime hypoglycemia, without using food? Thanks so much! Lilly Richard: Hello Dr. Cabral, First off I want to say thank you for all that you do. Your passion for helping people is truly remarkable and it is much appreciated! My question is regarding the use of iodine with autoimmune diseases, particularly Hashimotos. I have done a lot of research on this and listened to some of the top autoimmune specialists and most of them seem to agree that taking iodine, whether from foods or supplements, can do more harm than good. Their argument is that an autoimmune condition is basically and overactive immune system and Iodine can also increase the activity of the immune system, which in turn increases the autoimmunity. They claim there are numerous research papers in scientific literature that shows when Hashimotos patients are given iodine, their autoimmune condition can flare up. I would love to hear you thoughts on this and whether or not you recommend iodine for your patients that have Hashimotos. Thank you so much!! Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!  - - - Show Notes & Resources: http://StephenCabral.com/2088 - - - Get Your Question Answered: http://StephenCabral.com/askcabral   - - - Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect https://amzn.to/2H0W7Ge - - - Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered: http://CabralSupportGroup.com - - -  Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests: > Complete Minerals & Metals Test (Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity) - - - > Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test (Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels) - - - > Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test (Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels) - - - > Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test (Run your adrenal & hormone levels) - - - > Complete Food Sensitivity Test (Find out your hidden food sensitivities) - - - > Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test (Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels) - - - > View all Functional Medicine lab tests (View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family)

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