Sibling Squabling, competition, and other FAQs, with Jessica Smartt

The Monica Swanson Podcast - boy mom, build strong families, Biblical worldview, women's wellness - A podcast by Monica Swanson and Christian Parenting - Wednesdays

I am so excited to get to share this honest Mom-chat with my friend Jessica Smartt. I have loved Jessica’s books (links to them over in my show notes) and getting to know her in real life a couple years ago, and I appreciate her wisdom, conviction, and humor. I think you'll enjoy getting to know her too!In today’s episode Jessica shares three helpful parenting “goals” for sibling relationships, and then we go on to cover questions I have received from Instagram messages and emails. We cover a lot! -- From what to do about a mean sibling, to how to handle competition…When parents should get involved vs. when to let kids sort things out on their own, and more! I think you’ll find this practical and helpful. (And I think we’re going to need a part 2! -- Let us know if you agree over in show notes!)  Find notes for today’s conversation at: General podcast page: Looking for new math or science homeschool curriculum? All my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math and science for Bible-based, short-but-thorough lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Shormann Algebra 1&2 prepares kids for everything on the Pre-SAT, SAT, and ACT with over 200 practice questions! Go to diveintomath to learn more! The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit  Privacy & Opt-Out:

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