Ep. 292: VBAC Water Birth with Jess Jaruczyk
The Birth Lounge Podcast - A podcast by HeHe Stewart

Jess shares her inspiring water birth story with HeHe on this episode of the podcast, marking the first time this topic is explored on the show. She recounts her journey from her first challenging labor to her triumphant fifth birth, a water birth of her baby boy. Jess delves into her experience with hospital births, including an emergency C-section, and her determination to have a natural birth. Despite doubts and challenges, she successfully found a supportive midwife and had an empowering water birth. The conversation highlights the benefits of water birth, the crucial role of midwives, and the significance of mindset in overcoming birth-related fears. Jess also touches on her postpartum experience and gives insight into the coaching work she does to aid women in overcoming limiting beliefs. Jess's Birth Story: From Hospital to Water Birth The Water Birth Experience Navigating VBAC and Finding the Right Provider Preparing for an Unmedicated Birth Postpartum Reflections and Coaching Insights From Jess: Years ago, I suffered a loss that ripped to the core of my heart. I searched for books and information of how to get past the pain and brokenness. When I couldn’t find information on how to get my heart and mind past the trauma, I buried the pain deep and moved on from there. The problem with burying things is that they find a way to surface through triggers and you find yourself responding from a place of doubt, fear and pain. Without realizing it, you have a new normal, a new learning history that shapes all of your future behaviors and beliefs. It wasn’t until I received emotional healing that my mindset shifted, and with a renewed mind I was able to respond to triggers and people for a healthy place. It was a process of renewing my mind, being intentional with my thoughts and taking the negative one’s captive. I now know which are the lies and which are the truths and when I‘m navigating triggers, transition, or looking to step into the next area of growth. I know how to navigate my heart, mind, body and spirit from a place of truth. SOCIAL MEDIA: Connect with HeHe on IG Connect with Jess on IG Connect with HeHe on YouTube. BIRTH EDUCATION: Join The Birth Lounge here for judgment-free childbirth education that prepares you for an informed birth and how to confidently navigate hospital policy to have a trauma-free labor experience! Download The Birth Lounge App for birth & postpartum prep delivered straight to your phone! LINKS MENTIONED: https://jessjcoaching.com/ Use code WELLNESS10 for 10% any coaching packages