S8 Ep 6 - Nuchal cords and cord prolapse with independent midwife Debs Neiger
The Better Birth podcast with Erin Fung - A podcast by Erin

We have all heard "thank god I was in the hospital because the cord was wrapped around the baby's neck!" but how dangerous is a nuchal cord, and why does it happen? And what causes cord prolapse and what can be done when it occurs? Cords wrapped around babies necks and cords slipping out first... they sound like total emergency disaster situations! But whilst one is an obstetric emergency, the other isn't. We talk nuchal cords and cord prolapse with independent midwife Debs Neiger. This essential episode will re-educate and dispel myths, and an important listen for anyone who is pregnant. You can find Debs on instagram @debsagos or online at www.debsneigerindependentmidwife.co.uk Disclaimer: The information and provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute medical or legal advice; instead, all information available on this site are for general informational purposes only. We reserve the right to supplement, change or delete any information at any time. The information and materials on the podcast is provided "as is"; no representations are made that the content is error-free. Whilst we have tried to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information we do not warrant or guarantee the accurateness. All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the content of the podcast are hereby expressly disclaimed. Your use of content contained in or linked to this podcast is entirely at your own risk. The Better Birth podcast accepts no liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.