Episode 9 - Reprogram The Your Subconscious And Live Your Best Life With Kinesiologist Tara Shields
Medicine Mother - A podcast by Kate Caddle

Today on the podcast I interview my friend and Kinesiologist Tara Shields about how our sub-conscious programs can hold us back from having what we truly desire. Tara shares her wealth of knowledge and helps us understand how kinesiology works, and what results you can expect to see when working with someone in this space. We talk about how limiting beliefs can hold you back from conception and your ideal birth and breastfeeding experience, and what you can do to help reprogram them. I absolutely love Tara, she's the real deal and has helped both Michael and I a lot of the past few years, I'm so grateful for her generous offer to of $20 off to my community. If you are local to Byron you can see Tara in clinic, or if you're like me and you can't make it to see her Skype consults are just as powerful. Use the link below to get in touch. www.katecaddle.com/show-notes/ep9