Episode 26 - Traditional wellness practices for a strong foundation of health with Greg Emerson Part 1

Medicine Mother - A podcast by Kate Caddle


I spent many years and thousands of dollars trying to find the cause of the symptoms I was experiencing on our conception journey with Flynn. It wasn't until I saw Greg Emerson that I was truly able to find wellness again. I'm so excited to be brining his wisdom to you over this two part series. This is a huge conversation where we cover a variety of topics in relation to conception, pregnancy and postpartum and it is a must listen if you wish to thrive through this time in your life. We cover many topics that relate to traditional health practices and how we can bring ancient wisdom back into how we live our lives. I personally love how everything Greg shares is backed by so much wisdom and an abundance of science - he's truly an incredible human being. If you wish to learn more about why Greg is no longer practicing, I suggest listening to his episode on Pete Evans podcast, where he speaks directly about why that is. Part 2 will be release a couple of days after this episode. For more head to https://www.katecaddle.com/podcast