103: Changing Forward

The Art of Living Big | Subconscious | NLP | Mindset - A podcast by Betsy Pake

Do you sometimes think…. ‘those were the good old days!’ or ‘I wish I was THAT thin again!’ We all have changes we’d like to make in our life, but what if we could let go of the past and instead create a new future based on all the experiences and wisdom we’ve gained along the way? What if we could create a new metaphor for our life and use others stories to learn and build something that is uniquely our own? This episode is great for anyone who wants change and to think about a change in a new way. Thanks for listening and sharing this episode.  Remember to come find me on Instagram and let me know the new metaphor for your life! Transcript: Welcome to the art of living day. I’m your host, Betsy Pake. And this podcast is designed to share interviews and new ideas to help you redefine what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big. Hey, everyone, welcome to the show. Today, I want to talk to you about changing forward. Now, you might be thinking like changing forward, I don’t even understand what you mean, or what this is about. But maybe you just listen every week, you’re like, oh, give her a shot and see what the heck she’s gonna talk about today. All right, so here’s how this came up. I have some things in my life. And maybe you do too, I’m sure that you do, right, because we all have things that we wished we could shift or change, or that things were just a little bit different, right? So no one’s life. If you’re sitting there like scrolling through Instagram, and you think everybody’s life is really perfect. You’re wrong. Everybody has challenges and things that they’d like to shift. And I do too. And I was finding that I was getting this, like real constriction and getting frustrated with the fact that I had things I’d like to change. And I didn’t feel like I was feeling like it wasn’t as much in my control as I as it used to be right when I’d want to make a change on different things. And so I really got settled and started thinking about that. And if you’ve listened to my episode, my episodes for a while to the show for a while, you heard Episode 94, where I talked about talking to your inner being. And that is a practice that I do every single morning and and I sit and I ask a question, and I just try to settle my ego settle that voice in my brain that is like shouting and saying all the things that I should be or do and to really try to listen to my truth. And I write it, I have journals, and I write my question. And I actually write like Q and then the question and then a, and then I wait and listen for the answer. Now, I have been doing this for some time. And so I feel like I’ve gotten really good at being able to, and I’ve been meditating for so long, like I can just start breathing and really kind of drop myself down into a place where I feel like I’m able to shut down that loud voice pretty quickly. And if you’re interested in doing this, listen to that episode 94. But it’s really just practice. And if you can get good at it really quickly. Now, what comes out when I write a is always something that feels very much rooted in truth. It’s always positive, it’s always loving, it always has the same tone. And it always is very helpful. Now, I don’t know where that voice is coming from, I am totally open to the fact that it could be coming from me and all of the things that I’ve learned and experienced in my life. And when my loud mouth brain can relax and step out of the way, all of that wisdom sort of comes together and can give me a very clear answer. I’m also open to the idea that maybe this comes from like a collective ...

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