087: Q & A: Handling disappointment, Career Blocks & Intuitive Eating

The Art of Living Big | Subconscious | NLP | Mindset - A podcast by Betsy Pake

Today’s episode is a Q & A, answering your questions! We talk about the disappointment after reaching a big goal, not knowing where to go with your career, meditation, and intuitive eating. I hope that they are questions you would have asked! If you have your own questions please submit them for the next Q & A by heading to my social media (anywhere @betsypake) or shoot me an email. This episode is great for anyone who wonders how to use some of the concepts we’ve talked about in previous episodes in ‘real life’ or someone who wants some new thoughts and ideas in relation to their lives. Thanks for listening and sharing the show! xo, Bets Transcript: Welcome to the art of living day. I’m your host, Betsy Pake, and this podcast is designed to share interviews and new ideas to help you redefine what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big. Hey, everybody, welcome to the show. I’m excited to have you here today. We are doing a q&a today. So over the past few months, I’ve gotten questions about certain things that you may have heard on the show. And over the last couple of weeks, I’ve just asked people to submit questions. So I have a list of questions. And I’m going to kind of move through as many of those as I can. Hopefully, something in here will serve you and it’s a question you had as well. But if I don’t answer your questions, still find me on social media and ask away or shoot me an email Betsy at Betsy Pake calm. And let’s get your questions answered. So this is kind of fun. I’ve got a list here. And we’ll move through as many as we can. And yeah, so let’s go. Alright. So All right, here’s the first one. So I got a new car, and was really excited about it. But now that I got it, it feels sort of like a letdown. I like the car. And it’s got everything I expected. I just don’t feel like I thought I would. And I’m disappointed why and what do I do? So this is so interesting. Well, this is interesting on many different levels. One of the things is, anytime we have an idea of something that we want, right, so you had this idea of this car that you wanted, and probably what happened, and this is how you’re, I believe we move through the stages of manifesting something or the law of attraction without really recognizing it. But probably, as you had other cars, you decided what you liked and what you didn’t like, or maybe you talk to friends, and they told you what they really loved about their car or issues they were having with their car, maybe you read articles, or you just saw cars on the street, and you got contrast, right? So contrast is you saw things you liked, and you saw things you didn’t like. And many times we think that getting to the goal or getting to the end thing is going to bring us a lot of joy. I believe that it’s actually uncovering what we want, that can make things really fun. And I know we hear lots of times, like it’s all about the journey. But if that’s what you want to call the journey, it’s the uncovering in the contrast. So here’s what I suspect has happened is that you were having a lot of fun deciding what you wanted. And you probably felt some form of abundance, because you knew you could get what you wanted, right. And so you got super clear, you picked up the color, you picked up a kind of car, you maybe shopped around, you did all of that. And you thought this all feels so good. When I get it, when I get this car, it’s gonna be amazing, right? And so you’ve kind of hyped it up in your mind. And then you get the car.

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