S8E12 | Pieces for Developers | Jim Bennett
The Angular Plus Show - A podcast by ng-conf

If you struggle to stay focused on your work, like we do, this is the episode for you! Jim Bennett joins us to talk about Pieces, an app for developers that helps you connect thoughts, code, and context, to stay in your flow. More about Jim and Pieces:Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/jimbobbennett.devX: https://x.com/jimbobbennettLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimbobbennett/Github: https://github.com/jimbobbennetthttps://linktr.ee/jimbobbennettpieces.app Pieces Discord Follow us on X: The Angular Plus Show & Bluesky: @theangularplusshow.bsky.social The Angular Plus Show is a part of ng-conf. ng-conf is a multi-day Angular conference focused on delivering the highest quality training in the Angular JavaScript framework. Developers from across the globe converge on Salt Lake City, UT every year to attend talks and workshops by the Angular team and community experts.Join: http://www.ng-conf.org/Attend: https://ti.to/ng-confFollow: https://twitter.com/ngconf https://www.linkedin.com/company/ng-conf https://bsky.app/profile/ng-conf.bsky.social https://www.facebook.com/ngconfofficialRead: https://medium.com/ngconf Watch: https://www.youtube.com/@ngconfonline Edited by Patrick Hayes https://www.spoonfulofmedia.com/ Stock media provided by JUQBOXMUSIC/ Pond5