Webcasts - Contact with Clarissa

The Adoption and Fostering Podcast - A podcast by Al Coates & Scott Casson-Rennie - Saturdays


We both feel strongly that there needs to be access to knowledge in relation to adoption practice and the impact of adoption across the community. To that end we’ve decided to run some 30 minute webcasts on our FB page to open up some debate around key issues. We’re starting with Contact and are hoping to speak to a few people with key perspectives and insights. We’re starting with Clarissa Stevens this week then Professor Beth Neil and then the head of a RAA. This is a short recording from our first web chat with Clarissa for those that prefer to listen than watch, However there were a few tech issues in the first 7 minutes so I apologise as Clarissa’s feed was a little poor and that can be heard in the audio. That said, we then fixed it and cracked on.    Other topics that we’d like to look at over the summer are transracial adoption and……..well we’ll see what comes up after that!   If you've got any ideas for guests or topics let us know through the usual routes!

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