Episode 102 - Adoption Introductions chat FC Ema M and #YouCanAdopt Chat

The Adoption and Fostering Podcast - A podcast by Al Coates & Scott Casson-Rennie - Saturdays


This week we chat about the ever so trick issue of adoption introductions. It's a defining moment for many adopters as they meet their children for the first time and begin their lives together and it is also the end of a foster carers journey of care. Where two contrasting experience meet we have children who are trying to make sense of all of this. Ema has navigated intros several times and we draw on her perspective and wisdom as well as share our own experiences.  However, before we get to that we snag ourselves on the #YouCanAdopt publicity that is prevelant at the moment and speak in unfettered terms (Scott) and guarded bland terms (Al).  As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here. Listen/subscribe on iTunes here Spotify here Google here  

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