27. Sitting In A Room Full Of Mousetraps

Technology Leadership Podcast Review - A podcast by Keith McDonald: tech blogger and podcaster


Scott Belsky on Product Love, Beth Long on Maintainable, Mark Schell on Agile Uprising, Daniel Mintz on Product Love, and Kelsey Hightower on On Call Nightmares. I’d love for you to email me with any comments about the show or any suggestions for podcasts I might want to feature. Email [email protected]. And, if you haven’t done it already, don’t forget to hit the subscribe button, and if you like the show, please tell a friend or co-worker who might be interested. This episode covers the five podcast episodes I found most interesting and wanted to share links to during the two week period starting December 23, 2019. These podcast episodes may have been released much earlier, but this was the fortnight when I started sharing links to them to my social network followers. SCOTT BELSKY ON PRODUCT LOVE The Product Love podcast featured Scott Belsky with host Eric Boduch. Scott founded Behance in 2005, which he calls a “LinkedIn for the creative world.” They were acquired by Adobe in 2012. He is now Chief Product Officer there. He wrote two books: Making Ideas Happen and The Messy Middle. Scott founded Behance because his designer and artist friends felt a sense of frustration at how their careers were at the mercy of circumstance. He pitched them on the idea of a social network for creatives and they hated it. So he asked what problem they wanted to solve. Many said that their portfolio sites were always out of date and hard for clients to find, they never got attribution for their work, their potential clients found it hard to look them up if they saw their work for another client, and there was a lack of software that catered to the business aspects of being a professional designer or artist. This was a community of customers who didn’t realize that what they needed is what they didn’t want. Behance needed to pull their customers through their first mile of doubt. When they put out a beta, they asked customers to put their portfolio on it and the customers said no because they had a portfolio site already. So they asked their customers if they could interview and write a blog post about them and they said yes. So Behance made a blog of leading designers and asked them for portfolio images. Customers agreed and let them put the images in Behance. They found a backdoor way to get some of the most beautiful portfolios into Behance upon launch. People who now looked up their favorite designers found them on Behance and thought, “I should be on there.” This taught Scott the lesson that, while the science of business is scaling, the art of business is the things that don’t scale. The best businesses find the non-scalable things to prime the pump for their products. Scott says businesses need to nail it before they scale it. In other words, they should aim for high product-market fit with a hundred or so users. Eric asked where the average product leader struggles in making the transition from being hands-on to more strategic. Scott says a common struggle is not empowering design sufficiently. You want to find the right design leaders and empower them sufficiently at the right point in the process. Great product leaders don’t say much at all. They are conduits that are working behind the scenes to get people aligned and to get designers and engineers working together. Apple Podcasts link: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/scott-belsky-joins-product-love-to-talk-about-exploring/id1343610309?i=1000458667222 Website link: https://www.spreaker.com/user/casted/belsky-edited-audio-mp3 BETH LONG ON MAINTAINABLE The Maintainable podcast featured Beth Long with host Robby Russell. Beth is a software engineer at New Relic. She says that maintainable code is code that prioritizes intelligibility and is oriented to the way humans interact with it. It is simple, clear, and emphasizes readability over conciseness. The infrastructure the code deploys to and the deployment mechanisms themselves should also prioritize intelligibility and clarity to be considered maintainable. Intelligible code is code that tends to make sense even to those that aren’t intimately familiar with it. This might be someone who hasn’t worked extensively in the codebase or someone who worked in it two months ago and has just now come back to it. Robby asked about technical debt. Working at New Relic, Beth has had opportunities to talk with Ward Cunningham, the originator of the term. When Ward coined the term, he was working on a financial system and he described technical debt, like financial debt, as something you deliberately take on. You sacrifice some maintainability in the short term and pay it back over time. Robby asked how developers can bring up maintainability concerns with stakeholders. Stakeholders are often focused on velocity, so they says things like, “Can we have the person who is on call due the sustainability engineering work?” This doesn’t work. What works is giving the team focused, protected time. Developers need to step out of their own experience of the world enough to understand the pain and pressure that their stakeholders live under and make a compelling case to them. Beth has seen it work. She has seen New Relic customers make slide decks to present to stakeholders about the value of doing the work to add observability to their systems and getting executive buy-in as a result. Robby asked about second system syndrome. She says it comes from the book The Mythical Man-Month and refers to the tendency to replace small, elegant systems that work well with bloated, over-engineered systems. You have a system that works well enough but people want more features and there is a temptation to replace the old system with something new. The old system is full of known flaws and, in the potential new system, the flaws are not yet known and you can pretend they are not there. This is why she recommends against rewrites. Apple Podcasts link: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/beth-long-maintainable-code-prioritizes-how-humans/id1459893010?i=1000458429284 Website link: https://maintainable.fm/episodes/beth-long-maintainable-code-prioritizes-how-humans-interact-with-it-XHdDZOQF MARK SCHELL ON AGILE UPRISING The Agile Uprising podcast featured Mark Schell with host Andy Cleff. Mark started out working at an organization that had reached CMMI (that is, Capability Maturity Model Integration) level 5 (that is, the highest level: optimizing) but he struggled to see the worth of it. Eventually, a friend of his introduced him to Extreme Programming or XP and this got him energized about Agile. They got into a discussion about a talk Mark attended at the Philly XP conference that was given by Ryan Lockard. Ryan described the benefits of cleaning up old code. Mark says that the less you clean up after yourself, the more stuff you have to step around. This also means being careful not to add too much complexity, as this makes things more complicated for the user and for the developers. Andy asked Mark where he starts in such a situation where you inherit a system where there hasn’t been a great deal of taking out the trash. Mark referenced Foot and Yoder’s paper on the big ball of mud. He says you start with the smallest pieces you can find. Don’t be afraid to delete things; that’s what we have code repositories for. If you are using a compiled language and you have tools like Resharper, make use of them. Mark talked about tools like OpenGrok for making code files more searchable.  He says there are going to be cases where you have to take a leap of faith; you have to delete something that you know you may need to revert if you discover a previously unknown use. If you never take that risk and you’re always afraid of that code, you’ll never get to a cleaner state. Andy asked about how things get this way. Mark says that most developers’ passion is often around the building of new things. Combined with schedule pressure, doing chores like code cleanup becomes a low priority. Mark says that, ideally, it should be baked into the red-green-refactor cycle. Andy asks how we can push back as craftspeople when the business says, “More, more, more.” Mark says you need to find a way to tie this retirement of complexity to revenue. Apple Podcasts link: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/clean-code-refactoring-and-deleting-w-mark-schell/id1163230424?i=1000459008564 Website link: http://agileuprising.libsyn.com/clean-code-refactoring-and-deleting-w-mark-schell DANIEL MINTZ ON PRODUCT LOVE The Product Love podcast featured Daniel Mintz with host Eric Boduch. The work Daniel did in politics informed everything he does everyday. It helped him understand how people interact with products, how to scale and grow, how data can inform product decisions, how data can mislead product decisions, and how tools get built. When you’re running a giant volunteer political organization, that’s the lowest-attachment user you can imagine. Your product has to be good at grabbing users and getting them in the door or else it’s not going to work. Daniel says we often fall into the trap of being data-driven. He thinks of the episode of The Office where Michael Scott drives into the lake because the GPS tells him to turn right. There is a difference between being data-driven and data-informed and when data conflicts with your intuition, your qualitative research, and your experience, you should interrogate that. Eric asked how Daniel ended up at Looker. Daniel described his first experience with their sales team. After the salesperson struggled to describe what Looker was, he eventually asked Daniel to let him show off Looker by connecting to Daniel’s database and letting Daniel ask Looker any question about his own data. In ten minutes, the salesperson had shown him things about his data he had never seen before. Seeing Looker in this way, Daniel felt like he did when first encountered the power of SQL, but this time it was something that anybody could use. Just as any good product manager would try to get to the real problem when a customer comes to them with a solution like, “I want to make this button blue,” when a customer asks a data analyst to show them sales by salesperson by region for the last six months, a good analyst will ask them why. They might say, “I want to see if there is a big difference in how salespeople ramp over different regions.” The analyst might then respond, “What if we narrow that down and only look at people recently hired?” Product managers need to do the same thing when thinking about how they use data. For example, if you are trying to understand where people get stuck in the on-boarding path, then usage data may be useful. If you are trying to understand whether people’s impression of the product has changed over time, net promoter score might be what you need. Start with the question instead of saying, “This is the data I have available and here is what I can make of it.” Daniel says that good operational metrics are ones that, upon looking at them, you immediately know what you should do in response to them. Alternatively, dashboards of vanity metrics can be disempowering for people: if you are a product manager who isn’t working on a revenue-creating part of the product yet, a dashboard tracking a vanity metric like revenue is not something you can do anything about. Daniel gave an example of vanity and operational metrics for a company like Uber or Lyft. A vanity metric might be rides taken or cities served. It is the kind of metric that might be valuable to investors, not for the people that work there. An operational metric might be percentage of rides cancelled and that is only operational if you dig a level deeper to find out why they were cancelled. Eric asked Daniel for his take on net promoter score. From the consumer perspective, Daniel says, NPS is a great innovation because it is so simple and easy to administer that your response rate is going to be higher than any other survey question. Being a single question survey makes it easy to ask in-product rather than in a survey email and thereby increase response rate even further. He says that tracking NPS over time makes it even more useful. When it is used to just ask if something is good or bad, however, it just becomes another vanity metric. Apple Podcasts link: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/daniel-mintz-joins-product-love-to-talk-about-data/id1343610309?i=1000459282754 Website link: https://www.spreaker.com/user/casted/daniel-mintz-joins-product-love-to-talk- KELSEY HIGHTOWER ON ON CALL NIGHTMARES The On Call Nightmares podcast featured Kelsey Hightower with host Jay Gordon. Kelsey talked about what he calls “learning in public”, in which you share things as you learn them. He says that when you learn in public, you tend to not skip over the interesting bits from zero to getting started. A lot of times, we’re afraid to share that because we want to be seen as experts. Kelsey talked about his truest introduction to on call. He described how his CTO made it clear just how important their work was to customers. Hearing about the consequences for customers of system downtime put things in perspective for Kelsey. Kelsey says that if you fail to explain it, on call can feel like you’re overtaxing your employees. It is less like on call and more like glorified overtime. Another lesson Kelsey learned about on call at that company happened when he took on all of the on call work for two months. His goal was to find the patterns and make it go away. Over the two months, he made sure the issues were documented and the documentation was made consistent. The rest of the team saw Kelsey as “taking one for the team”. The team was able to do work in their areas of expertise to improve the on call experience. The number of incidents dropped from 1-2 per week every week to having weeks without any incidents. They had been in a cycle in which on call pain was spread out enough that nobody did anything about it. Stepping up and showing leadership by doing changed things. Apple Podcasts link: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/episode-45-kelsey-hightower-google/id1447430839?i=1000460193573 Website link: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/oncallnightmares/episodes/2019-12-19T08_16_15-08_00 LINKS Ask questions, make comments, and let your voice be heard by emailing [email protected]. Twitter: https://twitter.com/thekguy LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/keithmmcdonald/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thekguypage Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_k_guy/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheKGuy Website: https://www.thekguy.com/ Intro/outro music: "waste time" by Vincent Augustus

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