Eps 34: Website SEO in 2018

Talking HTML - A podcast by Tom Norman


Website SEO

Write your code correctly

H1, h2, h3, p, table, use alt tag on images – 2 for 1 also impacts adaptability standards (screen readers and assistance devices

Mobile first

Biggest push and newest standards are trending towards (or in most cases already implemented) creating a mobile friendly and responsive website
Tougher to do using wordpress vs frameworks like Bootstrap, but always test your mobile views before clicking publish
DO NOT USE m. for your mobile site, make your site responsive (scalable)

Link building

Find ways to get other websites to link to your site. If you are building websites for others the easiest way would be to add a “Designed and developed by” statement in the bottom corner of the site with a link back to you
Write guest blog posts for other sites

Have good content

Put enough on your page to get your point across.

A few sentences isn’t going to cut it

Make sure the content is worthwhile

Images, videos, graphs etc

Use a security certificate

Google emphasizing that now
Get one from your hosting service
Could be free like dreamhost or 30$ like ipage for a basic certificate.

If you do any type of money collection on your page ie taking credit card numbers etc then splurge on the appropriate version. More expensive but gives peace of mind
Not necessary if you are being a portal to services like PayPal

Bounce Rate

Make people want to stay on your site
The faster someone clicks off your site the more it will affect your SEO


The Definitive Guide To SEO in 2018
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide
SEO ranking factors in 2018


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