Simon Hay, Firefly: Starting Early

Startup Dads - A podcast by hx | hyperexponential

Simon Hay started Firefly with a school friend at age 15, beating Mark Zuckerberg in the age stakes! He designed the Firefly learning software to try and solve his own frustrations as a student. What started as revision procrastination has since grown to a global business helping students in 35 countries learn from home. He is also dad to Angus and Aidan who are 4 and 8 months. In this episode, Amrit and Simon discuss product market fit, how your attitude to risk changes and the perils of not being good at being bad at things. Keep up to date with everything Startup Dads related on Twitter - This week’s Startup Shout Outs: -Third Space Learning -EdPlace A Fascinate Production.

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