Leo Ringer, Form Ventures: Bridging 2 different worlds
Startup Dads - A podcast by hx | hyperexponential

Today’s guest set out to create a VC firm to support cash strapped, time poor founders in so much more than just funding. Leo Ringer’s expertise is in navigating the world of regulation - to enable companies within his portfolio to jump through the hoops of working regulated markets without the holdups. In this conversation with Amrit, they discuss his journey into the often opaque world of Venture Capital, how he began his business, and how he wants to enable all of us to understand this space through his exciting upcoming whitepaper on the subject. Keep up to date with everything Startup Dads related on Twitter - https://twitter.com/startupdadspod/This week’s Startup Shout Outs:Amazing nannies and babysitters on demand: https://joinbubble.com/Supporting us through major life transitions: https://peppy.health/A Fascinate Production.