Dry Jan, Broccoli & Things We're Leaving Behind in 2022
Spencer & Vogue - A podcast by Global

It's a brand new year, it's a brand new series, it's a brand new episode of Spencer & Vogue: The Podcast. The gang have been up in bonnie Scotland for the festive break and Vogue is still recovering from the hangover of all hangovers, we're chatting dry January (the only month where Spen gets some sober pals), ice baths, discussing what we're leaving behind in 2022, Spen's perm, stupid things we believed as kids, the best way to cook broccoli and Top 5 movies. Remember, if you want to get involved you can:Email us at [email protected] OR find us on socials @voguewilliams @spencermatthews AND @spencer_and_vogueListen and subscribe to Spencer and Vogue on Global Player or wherever you get your podcasts.