Ep 99 | Single Mom Uses KonMari to Make Room for Her Daughter to Grow
Spark Joy - A podcast by Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

Single mom Amy DeCillo walks through how her 15 hour KonMari tidying experience impacted her family and the benefits of working with a KonMari Consultant along the way.
Amy DeCillo is a single mom of her 12 year old daughter who has some mild special needs. She works fulltime in healthcare and she’s working on an MBA in Public Health. She enjoys a good workout, organizing her home, and doing puzzles with her daughter.
Amy is one Kristyn's clients! They tidied for 15 hours together over a period of three months and she is a For the Love of Tidy Graduate of Tidy. Today we will take a deep dive into her KonMari tidying journey and the impact it’s had on her family.
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In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
How Netflix's Tidying Up with Marie Kondo sparked Amy to find a KonMari Consultant in Chicago to help her organize
How knowing Kristyn was returning Lesson after Lesson was the perfect amount of tidying accountability to keep Amy motivated
Amy's original vision: quick maintenance, workouts, and time with daughter and family without worrying about cleaning at home
How Amy made tidying a priority for three months, politely saying no to social events to stay on track
Amy and Kristyn's most memorable moments
Amy's favorite post-tidying event maintenance strategies
Other areas of Amy's life that she can seamlessly navigate now that her tidying journey is complete
How Amy plans to guide her sister and other family members get organized, now that she has this new life skill
What sparks joy for Amy:
Surprising her daughter Sophia with a phone!
Final Words of Wisdom:
I would highly recommend anyone going on this journey to hire a KonMari Consultant and follow the steps and plan they suggest for you.
- "I did not think that we were going to get as much as we got done in the 15 hours that we had together."
- "I was just amazed at how motivating it was to keep going."
- "Don't stop. It's OK to thank things and move on."
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Special Guest: Amy DeCillo.