Ep 68 | Behind the Scenes: Netflix's "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" with Tricia Fidler and Jane Grodem
Spark Joy - A podcast by Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

Fellow KonMari Consultants Tricia Fidler and Jane Grodem share what it was like to work behind the scenes as assistants on Netflix's "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo."
Tricia Fidler is the consultant behind Heywood Park Collective, working with clients in San Diego and the San Francisco area. Jane Grodem is the founder of Spark Joy Bay Area, focusing her practice in the San Francisco bay area.
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In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
-Learning more about the Netflix series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
-Karin and Kristyn reviewed the Netflix series on Spark Joy Episode 67 Review of Netflix's Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
-Jane and Tricia’s roles on the show as subject matter experts
-Tricia worked with the Tidying Up families featured in:
- Tidying With Toddlers, Episode 1
- Sparking Joy After a Loss, Episode 4
- Breaking Free from a Mountain of Stuff, Episode 6
- Empty Nesters, Episode 2
-Jane worked with Tidying Up families featured in:
- Empty Nesters, Episode 2
- Getting Ready for Baby, Episode 7
-Learn about the reports that Tricia and Jane completed to update Marie and show producers on tidying progress
-What stood out for Tricia and Jane watching Marie work with the families
-Some of the difference between the different cast families
-The most memorable part of the show for Tricia and Jane
Tricia’s favorite tidying tip: When doing your sentimental category, don’t feel pressured to give things up. Keep the things you love carefully. Tricia calls this the Art of Keeping.
Jane’s favorite tidying tip: When you are joy checking, you should be mindful that keeping things with confidence is a good and valid choice.
What Sparks Joy for Tricia: This work. It's such an honor to be able to practice KonMari. Also, travel! Tricia loves planning trips now that her home is tidy!
What Sparks Joy for Jane: The KonMari vision to “Organize the World” Jane is excited that so many people are learning about KonMari and sharing so many great photos and experiences on social media.
Their parting words of wisdom:
The three E’s: Empathy, Empowerment and Encouragement.
Empathy in your living environment goes a long way toward helping others in your home move toward interest in tidying their own things.
Empowering others is also a way to lead others to thinking about making positive choices.
And, Encouraging others to surround themselves with things that spark joy leads them to living their best lives.
To contact Tricia, visit: heywoodpark.com or on Instagram @heywoodpark_collective
To contact Jane, visit: sparkjoybayarea.com or on Instagram @sparkjoybayarea
Both Tricia and Jane have a special offer for Spark Joy listeners in honor of the Tidying up with Marie Kondo:
Tricia is offering 20% off her 20-hour package for residents of San Diego County package. Visit heywoodpark.com and use the code: newyearnewjoy
Jane is also offering a special 20% off a 20-hour package.
Visit sparkjoybayarea.com and mention the code: hearttrending
-"We were really there to work with the cast families and to help the families with their homework in between visits with Marie."
-"Then language barriers and the cultural difference just seemed to fade away when Marie was interacting with the families."
-"The families actually did complete all the categories. Those parts just didn’t make it on the show."
-"We really felt it made us better consultants. It taught us more about staying focused on the process as well as the vision."
-"The emotional impact Marie made on the families was real. She’s just so calm and compassionate."
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Special Guests: Jane Grodem and Tricia Fidler.