Ep 121 | Member Spotlight: Monica's Tidying Journey
Spark Joy - A podcast by Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

Spark Joy Club member Monica Ruiz joins us from Mexico to share the impact of her solo KonMari tidying adventure.
This year we’re trying something new. Welcome to our first ever Spark Joy Club Member Spotlight! We are dedicating a few episodes this year to shine the light on all of the progress our Spark Joy Club members on their tidying while listening to Spark Joy Podcast and leaning on the community.
First up is Spark Joy Club member Monica Ruiz:
Monica worked in Product Development for Corporate America for 15 years, after which she decided to pursue her passion start cooking school before retiring in Central Mexico. Currently she’s a mom of an amazing 15 yo girl and can always be seen with yarn and needles for creativity, relaxation, and learning.
We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at www.sparkjoypodcast.com and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.
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In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
How and when Monica first
The size of Monica's home, volume of her clutter, and her vision
The very first item Monica kept that helped her understand what "spark joy" meant to her
Monica's KonMari timeline (including some starts and stops!)
Tools that helped Monica crowd source information she needed: Udemy KonMari course, Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook, Spark Joy Podcast, The Tidy Home Joy Journal and the The Spark Joy Club
All the Monica was able to accomplish once Monica closed out her event after 2.5 years
How Monica has adopted KonMari into her lifestyle and its larger, long-term impact
Monica's favorite styling tip:
When tidying Komono, start with sub-categories that are bothering you the most
What sparks joy for Monica:
Her yarn collection, prepariing food, and music.
“I really wanted a home that would be much more beautiful to look at."
"I wanted to capture that feeling of peace and happiness."
"It's real people doinig real tidying and finding real challenges, and somehow from a distance, cheeting you on!
"I breathe easier. I am more focus. I have more dicipline keeping things tidy, putting things away, even doing more self-care."
"Now I know that it is possible improve and to change and to be happier."
"What life takes, music restores."
"Share your enthusiasm with anyone that will listen."
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Special Guest: Monica Ruiz.