Black đŸ…·istory Month Episode - Joyful Noise!

Baby Wordplay! - A podcast by Miss PamđŸŒșLibrarian


Gather around! It's storytime with Miss Pam!Geared to 6 months - 5 years and... for all ages!⁠FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY:⁠Pay for 10 months and get a full year's subscription!From Miss Pam, Children's Librarian and Early Literacy Expert with over 35 years of experience.- 100+ episodes each 15 minutes - for babies and toddlers and the grownups who love them!To subscribe to the complete catalog of over one hundred episodes: ⁠⁠⁠⁠+APPLE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ $2.99 PER MONTH no ads ⁠⁠+SPOTIFY⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠$2.99 PER MONTH no ads**Other options SUPERCAST ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Subscribe to our premium feed of all episodes.Storytime! Get cozy with your little one as Librarian Miss Pam takes you on a 15 minute music and language adventure for Black History Month.⁠ Remember research shows that young children don’t learn language through video or audio alone - so join in and model how much fun it is to learn! THIS EPISODE:Rhyme, sing, gesture and move along to:đŸŽ” A familiar rhyme with a new twist : 👀Eyes can do so many things. Get ready to open your eyes and shut your eyes!Open, shut them. Open, shut them. Give a little blink, blink, blink. Open, shut them. Open, shut them. Give a little blink, blink, blink Open, shut them. Open, shut them. Now let's try to wink. Wink with one eye, then wink with the other. 📚 Please, Puppy, Please! by Spike Lee and Tonya Lewis Lee - practice those /p/ sounds with this playful puppy!đŸŽ” Sweet Honey In The Rock - I Love to Laugh!I love to laugh. I love to giggle from my head to my toes. It makes me feel so good. A real feel good song that you makes you want to giggle!...second verse.... aaah, you'll have to listen to the episode! đŸŽ”Ashley Causey-Golden creator of Afrocentric Montessori sings for us!! A sweet, sweet song. Listen to the end where she talks about why she wrote it!📚 I Got the Rhythm Connie Schofield Morrison📚The Idea in You. A picture book by Questlove."Are you with me? Reach up into the sky and unhook a star. Did you get that star?"- "Books" a poem by Eloise Greenfield-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Baby Wordplay is a wonderful gift to give to new parents.You can also find us on Instagram and Facebook at Baby Wordplay and sign up for our newsletter at our

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