35. Back To School

Siddiqui Ramblings - A podcast by Siddiqui Ramblings


Its that time of the year again. Summers officially over, the leaves are turning brown and children and teachers alike are getting back to school. The Siddiquis focus on the highs and lows of this time of the year and what we have to look forward to. Keep listening till the end of the podcast for a bonus interview with the littlest Siddiqui, Amelia is three going on thirteen and shows you how I spy can work on a podcast. GET INVOLVED - Like, follow, share and review the podcast however you are listening to it. GET IN TOUCH - Share your thoughts on the show for the chance to win a personalised video from the Siddiqui’s (or maybe even a phone call if you are). Start your tweet, email or post with #siddiquiramblings. @baasitsiddiqui @goggleboxsid @umarksiddiqui Visit their Instagram: @thesiddiquis Visit their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheSiddiquisGogglebox/ Email them on: [email protected] Visit their site: www.siddiqui-ents.com Find the podcast on: • Soundcloud • Itunes • Acast • Stitcher

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