Simon's African Elephant Adventure-Preview

Science Adventure Stories For Kids - A podcast by Fact Finding Frog


Simon says this adventure is totally huge! We're back in the hottest continent, with the longest river and the worlds fastest and tallest animals. You're sure to find out some things you never knew about African Elephants, as well as meeting the only insect on the planet that can navigate by the stars!

This is a shortened preview version of the whole episode which can be found at  BANDCAMP

Amazing adventures hosted by Simon, the one and only Fact Finding Frog! Totally full of true facts, excellent sound effects, cool music, and Simon's jokes!

All of Simon's 36 Adventures are now available to purchase on

You can buy the whole collection or just your favourite episodes. 

On Bandcamp you can listen to each adventure up to 3 times before you need to buy.

That means you can test drive their excellent app while you do that.


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