Sacred You - A podcast by Rachel Goodwin

This is an interview that Imelda Almqvist did with me in April of 2021, where I'm talking for the first time about being a parent of a special needs child. The original video is here on Imelda's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MWEFU-dWR8 Imelda is amongst other things, a wonderful teacher of Seidr, Nordic Shamanism and you can find her website here http://www.shaman-healer-painter.co.uk/ I'd definitely recommend a look!! This is the original description of the interview from Imelda, "Today marks the 'birth' of my new podcast: The Pregnant Hag! For a year now I have been uploading regular interviews and sessions in my Closed Facebook Group "Healing Wise" but I now want to make some spiritual material accessible to a larger audience.  This morning I had the privilege of interviewing Rachel Goodwin on the topic of parenting a child with ASD and ADHD - and how spiritual work or shamanic practices can be of help on that journey.  Rachel is also a long-term Seidr student of mine in Sweden and you will hear her talk about that too! Thank you Rachel for speaking from a place of deep honesty and vulnerability on a challenging topic,, which affects so many families!  Rachel Goodwin is a Seiðr witch apprentice, channelling Sarah, daughter of the Magdalene, & working with an Ascension grid in the sacred town of Roskilde, Denmark! You can find the Sacred You podcast at  https://anchor.fm/sacred-you and her website here https://www.rachelgoodwin.dk/ Requests, ideas and suggestions for future recordings and interviews are welcome!  Wild Blessings!"

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