E4: Oracle Jamie Mendez and grounding the Divine Plan
Sacred You - A podcast by Rachel Goodwin
Do you need to listen to something uplifting today?! Then this podcast is for you! Practical tips for spirituality, some insider info on just 'what the bleep' is going on with our world - as today we are in conversation with Jamie Mendez! We hear about where she's come from and the sisterhood of the divine feminine to the integrated oneness of male and female (where we and the earth are moving into right now). We talk about why you can have hope in the middle of the crisis we are in, and how the divine plan is grounding into the physical! Jamie teaches online oracle card courses, and gives us some great tips for how we can ground and centre ourSelves each day in our divine wisdom! Rachel talks about the violet flame spirals that Ascended Master Sarah has been teaching her to 'grow', and they find out together just how these spirals are working on the earth... Jamie is a Healer, Oracle-Intuitive and Energy Sensitive, who uses her love for helping others to offer an array of healing services, guidance and wisdom to all through classes, readings, & her Spiral Temple, an Online School dedicated to empowering women through the Sacred Feminine. She is also the face of Magickal Me and co-creator of Magickal Minds, a spiritual group for children of all abilities. As a thank you, if you'd like to treat Rachel to a cup of coffee, you can do so here! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/rachelgo Jamie's links http://magickalme.com/ http://oraclesofthelight.com/ Jamie's Magical Me facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MagickalMe/ Rachel's links Ascension School AT https://www.patreon.com/rachelgoodwin https://www.rachelgoodwin.dk Rachel's facebook page https://www.facebook.com/rachelrainbowsinthesky The chant used at the beginning and end of each episode is 'Ka Liko Pua Kukui' https://youtu.be/DVU6zB59DKw In the Hawaiian language, the word kukui means 'enlightened'. The kukui nut tree is a symbol of enlightenment, wisdom, protection and peace for the Hawaiians and said to contain subtle energy known in Hawaii as “ki”. I learnt this chant from Nonna Beamers book 'Na Mele Huna', and practised for many months. She describes it as 'a gentle nature chant alluding to love... A flower representing a sweetheart is a common love symbol in Hawaiian poetry'. In my own practice I experienced a deeper meaning - of the attraction of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine to each other, the love that is experienced when they come together and the wish within all of us for returning to this state of oneness once again. Practising this sacred chant (in my experience) helps move us towards internal union by integrating our own divine masculine and feminine and brings us into greater balance. I believe also (again through my own experience and illuminations that I received) that it can help us attract a partner that we long for, through the sacred expression of these energies in the chant. Although this is obviously not directly a Sarah (daughter of the Magdalene and Yeshua) chant, it is a representation of Sarah's archetypal energy of integration and expression of the Sacred Marriage.