Episode 71: Vinny's Pizza and Retro Mac Repair

RetroMacCast - A podcast by James & John


James and John discuss the Motorola StarMax Macintosh clones. eBay Finds are an Apple Network Server, Yum Watch, and a Cap'n Crunch Whistle. They're also joined by Al DiBlasi who recently purchased a new-in-box Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh and opened it live online.

Other related links from this episode:
Retrochallenge 2008
Low End Mac: Motorola StarMax
MacUser: StarMax 4200 Review
Photos of Al's Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh
Engadget: iPhone line forms at Apple's flagship for absolutely no reason
The Misadventures of Steve & Steve
Engadget: G4 Cube shell used to house Mac mini
ZDNet: Rumor: Tablet Mac coming this fall

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